I read an interesting article this morning that can be found at the following link -- The real reason why we need recruiters
It was titled "The real reason we need recruiters" and I tweaked my blog title accordingly to provide more thorough analysis. There are indeed a myriad of reasons why our clients decide to engage with us for a variety of searches. But what is the one universal reason why they do? Because they can. Yes, it is that simple. No rocket science. No profound post for this morning. They simply do it because they can.
I suppose we could now argue the definition of "need" as often times we are defined as the "necessary evil". That has a different connotation that the Webster's definition of "need". I have been recruiting for nine years now and am hopeful that most of my clients would say that they were satisfied by the services we provided. Whether it was actual placement of a candidate, providing advice on a project, working diligently on an opening only to not place the candidate, or staying in touch over time through emails, blogs, webinars, and much more. But I am doubtful that the majority woke up one morning and said "I NEED an executive recruiter today and I can't wait to pay a fee for those services."
Which goes back to my reasoning of why our clients work with us -- because they can. At some organic level they all recognize that we can provide value to the process. We are like a bullhorn on pro-active searches to help tell our clients' stories. We can provide a healthy pipeline of passive candidates to our best clients that want to know about talent even when they don't have an active opening. We can provide outsourcing services when they have to eliminate a position, but don't want to just kick the employee to the curb. We can provide valuable insight into an effective way to compensate a new producer without breaking the bank. We can provide competitive intelligence regarding key trends in certain geographies. We can think outside of the box and help bring in an account manager for a new producer that is transferring a book and wants to know there is immediate support for a smooth transition.
You see, we are not a hammer and our clients are not a nail. In conclusion I will add to the idea of clients working with us because they can. It is not a universal statement. It is a proud declaration of what services Capstone provides to our clients. So you don't NEED an executive search firm on every occasion when you need to hire an employee. But a true partnership with an executive search firm that knows your industry can prove to be an invaluable tool for many reasons. Most importantly, because you can.
Amazing post! You have really helped me get a better understanding of Executive Search. I'm agree for this article because it have a point about this Executive Search. I want to learn more for this topic and I hope there still many things to learn and more surprises to come. Thank you for sharing this with us!