Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Interesting advice from Google about your resume

Over the years I have had many requests from candidates to help spruce up or revise their resume to be noticed.  There are obviously all kinds of tricks and trades with key words, accomplishments, and even font that can help you get noticed.  But who would have thought getting rid of that old Hotmail or AOL account would be one of them?

I have heard from a couple of candidates recently that they found a recommendation online to get a Gmail account to be more accessible through their social media and optimize SEO on an individual basis.  I thought for sure that was another brilliant marketing idea from Google.  Which I am guessing still may play some small role.  The broader point is that updating everything on your social media, your resume, and your personal email shows your ability to change with the times.  It could also help integrate everything when it comes to gathering responses and building your network.

If you are going to do this I would also add some tips to really get the most bang for the buck:

1)  Create a Google Plus account.  You may not use it much, and you might be reticent to be added to "circles" from people you don't know well, but it is all part of the experience.  Google does a great job of promoting all things Google, and this helps you get noticed more.  Which is a good thing if you are about to embark upon a job search or an interview process.

2)  Link everything to this new Gmail account - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, your resume, and anything else you can think of.  Use this email account for your smartphone, your home email, and begin to leave your old email address behind.

3)  While you are at it, you might as well be sure to have a Skype account.  For those of you that have all of the usual excuses - I don't have a camera for my computer, I don't want to download anything, I don't know how to use it - those are not valid any more.  If you own a smart phone you can set this up in less than thirty minutes.  Again, be sure this is attached to this new Gmail account.

4)  Be professional with your email address.  Many old Hotmail and AOL accounts had nicknames, numbers, birthdays, and even some inappropriate names.  Ditch those and if at all possible go with  This will show a more updated and professional profile than

I want to make a caveat here that I am NOT advertising for Google or saying this is the only way to go.  The broader message is that keeping up with the changes in a new year will help propel you to the top of some lists as you begin considering interviews and new opportunities.  Many others are doing this already, and you're a step behind if you don't try to stay ahead of the curve.

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