Monday, August 24, 2015

Is it okay to be excited AND nervous about a new job?

Quite often when an interview process gets close to offer and acceptance, the candidate begins to get just a little nervous.  No matter how excited they are to make a job transition there are always nerves when considering a job change.  That is just human nature as most of us don't like change.

My best advice for a candidate in this situation is to sit down and think about the decision from three different perspectives - the past, the future, and the present.  All three likely play into any decision to make a job change or consider a career move.  Here is how:

The Past - you are shaped by your past regardless of whether it was good, bad, or otherwise.  When considering a job move your recent past probably weighs more on the decision, but I would argue try looking farther back as well.  Don't just base your decision on how well you like your current boss, current company, or current job.  Think back further.  Why did you take your last job?  What were your goals even back to graduating from college?  Have your ideas about your career changed in the past two years, five years, or even twenty years if you are my age?  This thought process and internal Q&A session should help cement in your mind if this particular job opportunity in front of you is the right one to take.

The Future - where do you really hope to be in two years, five years, or twenty years?  And will taking this job help get you there?  Some people are motivated by money.  While others are motivated by work/life balance.  Occasionally people want recognition and are looking to climb the corporate ladder.  Regardless of the reason, if you are making a job change just for a temporary short-term fix, it probably isn't going to last.  And you likely have more reason to be nervous than excited because you are making the decision for the wrong reason(s).

The Present - is your gut telling you this is the right move?  Some people make job decisions with their head while others with their heart.  Neither is necessarily more right, but 100% of the time I tell candidates who are weighing an offer to go with their gut.  There will be advantages and disadvantages that go along with every job change.  Most times you would hope the good outweighs the bad, but maybe it is only 60/40 or 70/30.  When this is the case, however, I would argue your gut is still telling you to make the move.  So do it with excitement, not nervousness, and take the plunge!

The bottom line is that it is always okay to be nervous about a new job.  Heck, I've been in my current role for 12 years, am less than two weeks away from embarking on year number 13, and I still have some nerves about what the future holds.  But if I weren't nervous at all I would probably be stuck in a rut.  Just like the performer that doesn't have some butterflies before a big performance, if you don't care or if it doesn't mean anything to you, there is no reason to be nervous.  It is the important things that really impact our mindset.  Reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and be thankful for the present.  That will give you the big picture every time.

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