Monday, January 11, 2016

How to follow up from the holidays

Were you in the middle of an interview process that was held up by the holidays?  Or perhaps someone who took some time during the holidays to submit an application or resume?  If so, there are many others just like you out there trying to follow up with employers and hiring managers this week.  You may have even started the process last week after the new year began.  So what is the best bet to get a response on your follow-up communication?

The first thing I can tell you is to exhibit patience and grace.  Everyone is coming back from the break with full inboxes, voicemails, meetings, and unexpected hiccups in their schedule.  I actually came back to work last Monday ready to tear through emails, get caught up, and possibly even get ahead of my to-do list early in the year.  Then life happened.  I needed to take Wednesday off, part of Thursday, and part of Friday.  I literally woke up this morning debating whether it was January 4 on the calendar or January 18th.  Because it honestly did not feel like the 11th.  Don't ask me why, it has just been a hectic start to the year with no sense of normal routine.  If that is happening to me, there is a good chance it is happening to others.  Even if you were promised a follow-up message the first week of January, don't lost faith if it hasn't happened yet.

Secondly, be concise.  If what I just mentioned above is true, people are going to be drawn to the easy messages to reply to first.  Make your message easy to reply to in order to increase your chances of response.  Having multiple in-depth questions or demands on specific timelines will only slow things down in regards to response rate.

Next, be direct.  This also helps elicit a quicker response.  You may not get all of the details you are seeking, but along with being concise this allows the person you are contacting to respond directly as well.  I have had to play some serious games of phone and email tag already this year, but if I know exactly why someone is reaching out, it motivates me to get back to them and with an answer.

Lastly, be positive.  This is, after all, the time of year when people are making resolutions to be better people, lose weight, attain a goal, live a dream, take a trip, etc.  Which means people will likely already be in a good mood, despite how busy they are.  Take advantage of that!

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