Monday, March 14, 2016

Timing is everything in a job search

Is anyone else feeling a little out of whack to start this week with the time change?  In addition to daylight savings, this week is spring break for many schools in our area.  Add in St. Patrick's Day on Thursday and the start of March Madness, and this could prove to be an interesting week.

I am not ashamed to admit this year really threw me off with the time change.  I didn't roll into my usual coffee shop on the way to work until about 7:15 and figured I would face a long line.  To my amazement there were only four cars in the parking lot and there was no one in line.  Then I realized that many others were sleeping in and/or off on spring break.  It still felt really weird, and I wondered if I would face a quiet morning in the office.

Instead I found a long list of unread emails, several voicemails to return, and my phone has already been ringing off the hook.  This is a very happy problem and proof that people are still paying attention to their job search in an "off" week.  Here are a few reasons why this week could be incredible timing to follow up on an interview, check in with a prospective employer, or even embark upon a job search in initial phases.

1)  First quarter is coming to an end.  This is usually a time of year when employers make all kinds of hiring decisions.  This is the 13th first quarter I have seen come and go in the recruiting business, and it is the 13th in a row that is very, very busy for us.  Companies have a firm grasp on their financials from the previous year, they know what bench strength looks like for any replacement hires, and now is the time to execute on any strategic hires for the new year.  Especially in the insurance industry.

2)  More people are working this week than you might think.  Take myself as a prime example.  My three kids are at home this week, my Iowa Hawkeyes are playing on national television later this week, and the weather forecast in Iowa is fantastic.  But I'm here at the office taking advantage of the time to really catch up on some items.  Which means I will be readily available for phone calls, emails, and candidates checking in.  Chances are that other employers are in the same boat.  Whether it be the hiring manager, someone in talent acquisition, or even the finance department - now could be a GREAT time to check in with these folks.

3)  You have many ice-breakers to start the conversation.  We could start an entirely different discussion about how to approach the topics I mentioned earlier (NCAA tournament, St. Patrick's Day, daylight savings, etc.) but each provides a natural conversation starter.  And with this week being a more relaxed week, it could be more natural than other weeks.  Why not give it a shot?  You might find out you have something in common with the person on the other end of the phone.  Heck, I just spoke with a candidate whose son played in the boys' high school state tournament final on Friday night, and it turned out this small school in Northeast Iowa is where one of my colleagues went to high school, and she knew some of these family members.  What a small world!

4)  Important decisions could be made this week.  I don't want to be too melodramatic here, but this week could be a tipping point in making hiring decisions.  They could be made in a quiet office, or even over a few beverages at a local restaurant during a March Madness game.  Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of that.  Check in with an employer who is interviewing you, circle around on your references to see if they have been contacted, look at job boards that might be updated this week.  The list goes on and on for reasons to check in and stay on top of your job search.

The bottom line is that timing truly is everything when it comes to a job search.  Take advantage of the extra hour of daylight this week and make hay while the sun shines!

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