Monday, September 30, 2013

Are you playing it too safe in your job search?

One of the top priorities of any candidate's job search should be confidentiality.  It only makes sense that you would not want your current employer knowing that you are exploring other job opportunities.  But there is a huge difference between being an active vs. passive candidate.  I want to explore a few of those concepts today to help define "safe" parameters when talking with other companies or recruiters.

1) I should NOT link to a recruiter or another company's HR person on Linked In.  I understand that some companies view the public profiles of their employees more than others, but in theory this should be pretty innocent and explainable if you do accept the LinkedIn invitation.  Especially if you are handling your search discreetly.  Most candidates I work with know enough to have all communication with me via cell phone and a personal email address.  Linking in to a recruiter or HR professional does NOT mean you are considering leaving your current role.  It could serve to be an excellent source of information for a myriad of reasons.

2) I will never take a call from a recruiter if I am not actively seeking another position.  Yet another myth to dispel here.  You may know of someone else that could be perfect for the job the recruiter is calling you about.  Or perhaps your paths may cross again in the future.  Give yourself some credit that you will be able to see through the smoke a recruiter is blowing if they are just trying to waste your time.

3) I don't need a Plan B for my career.  While I applaud you if you are so happy with your job that you would never consider leaving, keep in mind that your employer could always "leave" you.  We live in a day and age where companies make decisions on budgets and finance over any other form of common sense.  While you shouldn't live your life in daily fear of losing your job, you are fooling yourself if you think it will never happen to you.  Just like you don't plan on dying soon if you purchase life insurance, you are instead making a plan for the "what ifs" in life.

Please don't hear what I am not saying - you should not approach your job search too loosely.  There are plenty of people out there trying to take advantage of candidates all the time.  But sometimes to truly get the rewards in your career you do have to take a few risks.  If you are calculated, yet intentional, you will likely move forward and take things to the next level.

What risks have you taken in the past that paid off?

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