Monday, May 18, 2015

Three reasons to hire a "relo" candidate

There are a million reasons why candidates relocate to new towns during the course of their career.  It could be to move closer to family.  It could be their spouse's job taking them there.  It could be a "coming home" story after being away for a few years after graduating from college.  Sometimes it could even be just for the job.

Sometimes my clients are hesitant to even talk with candidates who are relocating.  It makes scheduling interviews more difficult, more expensive, and often more time-consuming.  Instead of an impromptu meeting for coffee or lunch it could be a process that stretches over weeks instead of days.  I am here to tell you, however, that relocation candidates can sometimes be the BEST candidates to have on your radar screen.

1)  They have no pre-disposed notions about your company.  We all know that in the competitive world we live in things are sometimes said about organizations that aren't true.  Those can be difficult to overcome if you are only sourcing local candidates.  But if you talk with someone that is moving from another market, you will not have this concern.  In the past I have even had candidates refuse to talk with a client based upon a rumor they heard that isn't anywhere close to being true.  If they are going to hold that over anyone's head during the interview process, that is not someone you necessarily want to be talking to about an opportunity.  Whereas a relo candidate is going to take the interview at face value and focus on the positive attributes of your organization.

2)  They are motivated to prove themselves.  Most good relo candidates understand the complexities of interviewing with a company that might be hundreds of miles away from where they currently live.  When the interview process goes well and the candidate is subsequently hired, they are likely to work with just a small chip on their shoulder to show the employer what a good decision they made.

3)  No one else knows about them.  If you can be the first to interview a good relo candidate, my advice is to always move quickly.  You have a huge advantage if you are an early interview.  Relo candidates are typically active candidates that are moving for a very specific reason, as I outlined above.  Knowing that, they are likely going to move quickly on any offers that come their way if it is a good career move.  Local candidates often want to talk with 3-4 employers before making a decision which can lead to counter offers, feelings of doubt, and maybe even a final decision to stay comfortable and stay put.  You won't run into that hurdle with a relo candidate.

Some of my favorite candidates over the years have been relocation candidates.  I could tell story after story of grateful candidates that turned to us for assistance when making a move, and it is always satisfying to know we can be a resource.  My clients are almost always pleased with their decision to hire as well.  Win, win!

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