I am often asked by candidates when is the best time to start a job search. Especially this time of year with holidays, fourth quarter projections, and year-end financials being figured. Regardless of the calendar I always recommend the best time to start a job search is YESTERDAY!
Why am I so emphatic on this concept? Plenty of reasons. It starts with the picture I chose for today's blog. If you are considering entering a job search, I can guarantee you there are others that have already thought about it, are acting on it, and might be interviewing for the job that is actually perfect for you. Only problem is that the employer doesn't even know you are available.
Let me back up and make a clarification - I am not suggesting that everyone should be searching all the time, starting yesterday. Instead, if you have been thinking about considering a career move for some time, this message will really apply to you. If you are incredibly happy with your current position and experiencing all kinds of success, this subject matter will not be of any help to until you get to that juncture in your own career.
But if you have been mulling over the idea of seeing what else might be available to you, the time to start is now. Another quick clarification - you may enter into a job search only to find out where you are at currently is the absolute best place for you. That is the beauty of starting on the search as soon as possible. You may begin the process, even interview for another position, and ultimately settle on the idea of staying put for the foreseeable future.
Another reason to consider starting your job search now is that the position you are seeking may be available this very moment. You won't know unless you start looking around. Think how you would feel if you procrastinated until after the holidays, only to find out the ideal role at the company you've always wanted to work for was filled right before the end of the year. Once a company gets rolling on a search, they typically don't wait around once they find a pretty viable candidate.
Additionally companies often look to make hires before the end of the calendar year for budget purposes. So a role that is available right now going into the early parts of December may need to be filled by December 31 or not happen at all going into the new year.
Lastly, companies often like to interview pro-actively at the end of a calendar year to project for strategic hires going into the following year. They may not hire until January or February, but you'll have a leg up on the process if you start now. It also gives you food for thought going into the holidays to look at the broader picture to see if a job change is one of your New Year's resolutions!
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